Fargo Exotic Pet Expo 2024 - October 26th 2024 10am - 4pm | Red River Valley Fair - Butler Arena - West Fargo, ND
Fargo Exotic Pet Expo 2024 - October 26th 2024 10am - 4pm
Red River Valley Fair - Butler Arena - West Fargo, ND
Menu - Fargo Exotic Pet Expo 2024

Media & Downloads!

Here you will find many of the images and files related to our event. If you need an image to use to link to our site, feel free to use the ones on this page. Also all of the marketing information including vendor information, sponsor information and press releases.

FEPE Images

Main Logo:
Fargo Exotic Pet Expo Logo

Mini Logo:
Fargo Exotic Pet Expo Logo

The Fargo Exotic Pet Expo logo was created by Curtis Ness, Organizer of the Expo, but was inspired by local imagery and well known history. It was designed as a way to fully embrace all forms of exotic pets whether they have corralites, scales, feathers or fur.

All vendors and Sponsors of the Expo have permission to use the logo in its unaltered forms in digital or print form. All others who would like to use the logo must receive written permission from the organizer of the expo and creator of the logo, but he is pretty easy to work with so just ask.


Interested Vendors / Sponsors:

If you are interested in being a Vendor or Sponsor for our event, please check out the following documents with all the available options. Please note that this is a template of options, but if you have an idea that doesn't fit with our template but you would like to be a part of the event, please feel free to contact us. We are very flexible and would love to have you as part of our event!

Vendor Participation Details

Sponsor Participation Details

Final Release Flier

Click the image for a full-color 11x17 PDF!

Fargo Exotic Pet Expo Poster 11x17 (pdf)


Archive RRRR Images:

Main Logo:
Red River Reef and Reptile Expo Logo

Mini Logo:
Red River Reef and Reptile Expo Logo

The Red River Reef and Reptile Expo logo was created by Joel "MoJo" Moen of Blu Collar Studio in Grand Forks, ND. He is a well known artist who has worked on a wide array of design and inking projects. Check out his work at: www.mojomoen.com

MCAM Ad Spot 2019

MCAM Ad Spot 2018

WDAY Coverage of the Expo in 2014


Platinum Sponsor Banner Fire n Ice Reptiles Talecris Plasma Resources - Moorhead
Gold Sponsor Banner IP Insurance Agency - Chad Iwen - Agent Northern Designs - The Candy Jar
Silver Sponsor Banner Tammys Towels and More Reef Hobbiest Magazine Reed Mariculture - Ensuring Hatchery Success Marine Pure Ceramic Filter Media Ecological Laboratories - Microbe-Lift
Bronze Sponsor Banner
Bronze Sponsorship Available
Bronze Sponsorship Available
Bronze Sponsorship Available
Bronze Sponsorship Available

Please be sure to support our sponsors! We appreciate their support and know they will appreciate your business.